Text generation
The prompt that you write as part of prompt bot creation is passed to the underlying model as a system message. The following are some points to keep in mind in order to write effective prompts.
1. Address the bot in second person instead of third person.
2. Be as clear as possible to reduce the room for mis-interpretation.
3. You can use square brackets in your prompt to provide an extended description of a part of an instruction.
4. Using markdown can sometimes help the bot better comprehend complicated instructions
Prompting for Bots with Knowledge Bases
The following are additional considerations to keep in mind when writing prompts for bots equipped with knowledge bases. Use retrieved documents
to refer to the knowledge base.
1. Define the knowledge base
2. Define how the bot should interact with the knowledge base
For example, if the bot should use the knowledge base to inform its response style, you could add:
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